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Regions served in dc area NPS Photography 07 - NPS Photography

The DMV is BIG! Here are the regions I serve in the Washington DC area.

Regions Served in the Washington D.C. Area – NPS Photography

Skip the Fall Photo Session NPS Photography DC 5 - NPS Photography

Fall is busy. For moms, dads, kids and photographers! And my unpopular opinion makes fall less stressful – skip the DC fall photos!

Hot Take: Why You Should Skip the DC Fall Photo Session

DC Clients NPS Photography 14 - NPS Photography

I wrote a love letter (and it wasn’t to my husband!). It’s a love letter to my DC clients!

A Love Letter to My DC Clients – Alexandria, VA Family Photos

Weekday Sessions NPS Photography 1 - NPS Photography

Listen my friends – weekday photo sessions are where it’s at and here’s why!

Why DC At-Home Weekday Sessions are a BIG Yes! – Arlington, VA Family Photos

Hosanna 18 - NPS Photography

You had your newborn sessions and in a blink your baby is sitting and getting teeth! That means you’re ready for an upgrade! The Watch Me Grow package is the perfect way to capture that first year.

Watch Me Grow | A Year of Sessions for Your New Addition

Child2BPhotographer2B25E2258025932BWashington2BDC2B6 - NPS Photography

Lifestyle Family Sessions are FUN! Just ask your kids! Here are 6 things I may ask your kids to do during your session!

6 Things I May Ask Your Kids to do at Your Session During Your Washington DC Session

LittleParentingTipswithaBIGImpact7 - NPS Photography

I consider myself a “seasoned” parent and these are some little things we did in our home when our kids were little. These are the things what worked for us!

Little Parenting Tips with a BIG Impact | DC Family Photographer

HowtoPose6 - NPS Photography

Want to look and feel gorgeous in your photographs? Here’s how to pose for your family photo session!

How to Pose for Your Family Photo Session

FirstDayofSchool scaled - NPS Photography

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Your littles and bigs are headed back-to-school and I’m sharing all my back-to-school traditions!

Back-to-School Traditions with a Freebie

SelfEsteem10 NPSPhotography - NPS Photography

Studies have shown a direct correlation between self esteem and family photos – no, I’m not making this up! Family Photos are an important part of helping your child with their self worth and feeling of belonging. My advice, book the session – display the photos in your home and watch your children benefit!

Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem with Family Photos | Washington DC Photographer

Meet Natasha

Natasha Sewell, Owner of
 NPS photographY

I'm a DC family and newborn photographer, Natasha Sewell.

I'm all about capturing unscripted, full-of-personality moments from the comfort of your home.

As a mom of three and a former elementary school teacher turned in-home newborn and family photographer, I know how to get your littles to cooperate and have FUN!

Preserve your family's real-life moments with family and newborn photos in the place you’re most comfortable – your home.