
The nps photography Blog

Outfits for DC Photography Session 002 - NPS Photography

Not sure what to wear? NPS is happy to plan outfits for DC photography session!

How I Help My Clients Plan Outfits for Their DC Photography Session

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What to Expect When You’re Expecting Catchy title, huh? Has anyone else read this book? Back in the 1990s and early 2000 it was literally the expectant moms’ bible! I would read it every week and it would take me through how big the baby was and what was developing that week, etc. Remember this […]

At-home or Outdoor Maternity Sessions | DC Maternity Photography

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Motherhood – So Many Meanings motherhood – noun – the state of being a mother In my opinion, there are many wonders of motherhood. And even more stages of motherhood. Motherhood is different for every mom – yes, there are common threads, but my motherhood doesn’t look like yours. And motherhood changes for moms during […]

Wonders of Motherhood | DC Motherhood Photographer

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An Important Part of the Process Talking to my clients before they book their sessions is so important! Why? Because I want to get to know you, answer your questions and make sure we are a good fit! I offer a pre-session consult to all my clients. I know what you’re thinking…you don’t talk on […]

Pre-session Consult – What’s that?

dc photographer

meet natasha

I'm DC photographer, Natasha Sewell. I'm all about capturing those unscripted, full-of-personality moments in the comfort of your home.

As a mom of three and a former elementary school teacher turned in-home newborn and family photographer, I know how to get your littles to cooperate and have FUN!

Let’s get to preserving your family's real-life moments in the place you’re most comfortable – your home.

DC In-Home Photography sessions

Real life is  picture perfect

You won’t get a one-size-fits-all session experience with me. Clients come back to NPS Photography because they love my personalized approach to serving you and your family.

I’m passionate about building a relationship with you and guiding you through your photography experience by caring for every detail.

Let me capture your family and what makes your family yours!