Motherhood – So Many Meanings
motherhood – noun – the state of being a mother
In my opinion, there are many wonders of motherhood. And even more stages of motherhood. Motherhood is different for every mom – yes, there are common threads, but my motherhood doesn’t look like yours. And motherhood changes for moms during different ages and stages.

My Motherhood
I felt like a mom the minute I found out I was pregnant with my first son. I was overcome with love for something I hadn’t seen or touched and I felt responsible for this little person growing inside me.
At times motherhood has equaled utter, complete exhaustion. Especially when I had three little boys four and under and a husband who was a chief resident in ob/gyn. And I’m pretty sure I looked exhausted all the time, too!
I wasn’t the priority. My three boys were. They were my everything and still are, but when they were little they were my major focus all day long. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t great with self-care or me time. Thankfully, I learned and hired babysitters now and again!
And sometimes motherhood has meant guilt and regrets and second guessing decisions. I’m not perfect. I yell. I overreact – a lot. And at times those feelings have been a big part of my motherhood. We are our own worst critics, right? And boy do we criticize our mothering!
Worry. Such a BIG part of motherhood. There isn’t a day that my motherhood doesn’t involve worry. Did they get enough to eat? Is this the right pre-school? Will they make the soccer team? And as they got older, the worry was about driving and college decisions and broken hearts.
But most days I can define motherhood with two words – love and pride. My heart literally bursts with the love and pride I have for my three boys. I am often in total awe of them and the young men they have become. And I like to believe I had a little something to do with it.

What Does Motherhood Mean to You?
Motherhood is different for everyone. Our motherhood journeys are unique to us. On Mother’s Day in 2019, the Washington Post published “Defining Motherhood” – moms’ perspectives in 100 words or less. It’s worth the read!
As a Washington, DC photographer, I am honored to be able to capture moms and their children. From new moms to seasoned moms – I love being a fly on the wall and capturing all the goodness!
Are you ready to have me document the wonders of your motherhood?