The nps photography Blog

What I Won’t Photograph! | DC Photographer

But photographers photograph everything!

You’ll likely hear – and see – a lot of what I do photograph here on my website and over on Instagram – I have to show my work to get hired, after all – but I wanted to spend a moment talking about what I won’t photograph. Contrary to popular belief, while I do know how to use a camera (pretty well if I do say so myself), I’ve chosen to niche down and specialize in the photography that makes my heart sing!

When you first start out as a photographer, you take ALL the jobs. And that has its place. You’re trying to build a business and find the things that really make you happy. Through doing so, you learn some important lessons, the biggest of which is, you learn what you love and what you don’t!

It’s some trial and error as you can imagine! But there are some sessions you dread (and you know to kick those to the curb) and there are some sessions that you can’t wait to edit and light you up!

What I won’t photograph!

Here are five types of sessions you won’t see me capturing.

I won’t do cake smashes, but I will do a family session with a focus on the one year old. You can even bring out a small cake or cupcake and I can document your sweet baby in their high chair eating it. But there will be no prop-filled one year milestone session with a banner, backdrop and theme from me. Instead, my focus is on the simplicity and beauty of your family with natural pictures in your home.

Weddings are also a no. I don’t do them and have no intention of ever offering them. I’m always a bit stunned when I get a wedding inquiry when babies and families are all over my website and clearly my focus. This should go without saying, but I also turn away engaged couples looking for an engagement session. However, I’m quite happy to refer you to some amazing photographers who specialize in this!

High school seniors. While I used to offer senior sessions, I no longer do. I loved these sessions for a time (especially when my kids were in high school), it simply wasn’t where I wanted to focus.

Events/Functions. No retirements, birthday parties or charity events for this gal – not my thing! And these types of events require someone who’s well versed in event photography. Photographers specialize for a reason!

Pet photography. I never miss an opportunity to include your pet in your at home session because pets are a special part of your family (and mine – have you met Georgie?). But, I won’t do a session of just your pets. My passion is people and my focus is there.

So what do you photograph?

With that segue, you likely now know what I will do – and that’s FAMILY and NEWBORN sessions. A few times a year, I’ll even offer outdoor sessions, but my sweet spot is in home. Why home? Because you are most comfortable at home!

Think you might want one of my limited outdoor sessions? Make sure you’re on my newsletter list to be the first to know when these limited sessions drop!

Are you ready for one of the in-home newborn or family session I will do?

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I'm DC family and newborn photographer, Natasha Sewell.

I'm all about capturing those unscripted, full-of-personality moments in the comfort of your home.

As a mom of three and a former elementary school teacher turned in-home newborn and family photographer, I know how to get your littles to cooperate and have FUN!

Preserve your family's real-life moments with family and newborn photos in the place you’re most comfortable – your home.

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