This is a Tough Season
Don’t we all wish our Master Plans for 2020 had gone as planned and not turned into this tough season!!!

This popped-up on Insta the other day and it made me think of all the mamas out there. Moms with littles and moms with bigs. Mamas homeschooling. Moms choosing virtual learning and moms who are sending their kids off to school or college. Because this is a tough season for all of us mamas.
So Many Options
There’s no right answer. No one way is the ONLY way. We’re all trying to navigate these days the best we know how! And as much as I love a self-help book – there isn’t one for navigating a pandemic in 2020 with kids. Oh how I wish there was!!!
My sister lives in a city with her husband and three boys (16, 13 & 9). Her oldest is in private school and will be going to school 2-3 days a week with virtual leaning the other days. Her middle schooler and elementary schooler will be 100% virtual.
I have two boys in college. One is going to school and living in the dorms on campus. Some of his classes are in-person and some are virtual. He can choose to go all virtual if he needs to or if he doesn’t feel comfortable going to classes. There is actually an app where he has to do a health assessment every single morning! He’ll have a roommate and be required to wear a mask everywhere. And all those awesome dining options are now to go only!
My middle son – completely virtual for first semester of his sophomore year. But, we’re letting him stay in an Airbnb with two friends in the city where he goes to school. We know it’s what he needs! And mental health is an important component in all these decisions.

Support, Love & Respect
I honestly think the only thing we can do for one another is support everyone’s personal decisions. Respect that they know what is best for their family, even if it’s different than what we choose for our own.
Mom guilt is hard enough in a normal, non-pandemic world! It’s a whole new level when we’re navigating through Covid and work and school and kids.
So, let’s try something – showing support, loving on mamas no matter what they choose to do and respecting their decisions for their family. And maybe, just maybe – we moms won’t be overcome with mom guilt during this tough season!
Lift each other up and practice those words I saw on Insta!
And if you need some powerful affirmations for yourself AND your kids – check out this article. Because we can all use some positivity!