Photography isn’t my hobby. It’s my business – my job.
A business I built from the ground up through a lot of trail and error…a lot!
I have a degree in Elementary Education – not photography, not business.
And I know there are a lot of photographers out there that really do it as a hobby. They love photography (which I do, too, by the way!) and just take pictures of friends and family. And that’s awesome, but I wasn’t going to start a business without it being 100% legit.
Photography was a hobby of mine. But I grew it into a business – a full time business. One that make me VERY proud.
What makes my business legit?
I have an LLC – a limited liability corporation – actually two. One in DC & one in NC.
I pay taxes.
I’m insured.
I’m a licensed photographer in North Carolina (DC doesn’t require a license).
My clients sign a legal contract with me.
These are the things that make my business a business – not a hobby! And I take my business very seriously. I have business goals and a business plan.

But you just take pictures…
Nope. I don’t just take pictures. In fact, that’s a very small part of my business.
Here’s the breakdown of every session…
-client emails, texts
-preparing my camera for the session
-travel to and from the session
-cull the 250+ images (choose the best ones)
-edit the images (a minimum of 1 hour – usually closer to 2-2.5 hours)
-upload client images
-send album/download to client
-order products
That’s a lot of things! A lot of time. But that’s all the behind the scenes of each of my sessions. The behind the scenes “stuff” that makes you enjoy your session and your pictures that much more!

Random things I do…
I’ve become a social media darling (not really, but social media is a big way I grow my business!). And in case you missed it, social media changes ALL the time! I am constantly having to learn something new (ex. REELS on Instagram).
A meteorologist. I’m pretty much a weather person. I need some sun for my in-home and outdoor sessions, so I am a certified weather stalker. I have about four apps on my phone and use Weather Underground for cloud info. Who knew!?!
A baby whisperer. I’ve always loved babies. The absolute sweetest. But I have pretty much perfected my swaddling, shushing and rocking skills. I didn’t give myself the title baby whisperer – my clients did! And I love it.
Blogger. Obviously. You are currently reading one of my blog posts. I have no formal training in writing, but here I am writing blogs several times a month!
Customer service expert. I pride myself on excellent customer service. That means good communication and prompt replies. I do use a CRM (customer relationship management). Thank you 17Hats for keeping all my customers organized! But I still need to keep my CRM organized and working properly!

Odd and Ends
I really just want you – my client – to know that I take my business VERY seriously. It might be a one woman show, but I run it like its a Fortune 500 company!
Are you ready to experience the NPS Photography difference?