“Why don’t you go grab a favorite book?” Something you have probably heard me say if you’ve done a Lifestyle Session with me.
I took an online Lifestyle Photography class with Sabrina Gebhardt (I highly recommend it if you are a lifestyle photographer) and I unearthed something interesting.
Honestly, it was really an a-ha moment.
She had us go through Pinterest and our own work and look at what images really spoke to us. The ones that made us feel something. I pinned a bunch of stuff without much thought. Then, she had us look at them. Really look at them.
Were there certain types of photos? What were the common themes?
My common theme besides families and babies was BOOKS! Families reading together, kids reading, moms reading to their children.
Then, I went through some of my images…LOTS of books. Board books, Golden Books, picture books, joke books!
So apparently I like to incorporate reading and books into my sessions. I just had never thought of it as a theme in my work.
Reading with family create a closeness that I love to see and capture. Seeing little hands turn pages and the expressions moms and dads make as they read. And the smiles on their littles’ faces when dad uses a silly voice.
It’s such a special connection and I’m here for it!
So don’t be surprised if I ask you to go grab a book during your Lifestyle Session with me!
Interested in a Lifestyle Session with me? Hit the button below and let’s chat!
brother reading to sister