I Get It!
Have a partner who’s, shall we say, reluctant to do family photos?
Join the club. It’s a big one.
The men in our lives are tricky. I know they roll their eyes when you mention family photos. I know they dread you being frantic (although there is NO reason for you to be!) and the kids melting down (this, too, is 100% normal!). It’s also highly likely that their attitude about the session is behind some of the anxiousness you might be feeling about everything, too.

The Key Is Preparation
But, do you know the best way to keep some of this reluctance and overall grumpiness about the experience at bay?
A little prep with your hubby goes a long way in making the experience smoother for everyone.

How to Prep Your Partner for Photos
And today, I’m breaking down the ways to prepare your man for the BEST photo session experience EVER. And you can all trust me, since I’ve been photographing families just like yours for nearly 12 years.
- Have them read the Prep Guide!
Part of the process of getting clients ready for their session is sharing my customized Prep Guide. While usually it’s you, mama, booking the session and receiving the guide from me directly, I highly encourage you to read it WITH your significant other. It’s short and sweet, but covers EVERYTHING…and it dispels some common worries men have about how the session will go.
- Lose the shoes!
Okay, I know men hate their feet, but I promise they’ll barely show and I never make a point to have them be the focus. It’s so much more natural to be barefoot at home, and going sans shoes and socks translates in photos AND to your husband’s comfort level overall. While we’re at it, also lose the dri-fit fabric and logoed shirts. This keeps the focus on your family, not what you’re all wearing.
- Don’t look at the camera!
One of my main messages for the dads is please don’t look at the camera. Yes, maybe once or twice I’ll have you all look at the camera and smile, but the vast majority of the session, I don’t want anyone’s eyes on me…I want them on your sweet family. That’s right – I’m a photographer who doesn’t want you to look at the camera. Doesn’t everyone feel better already?!
- The time will fly!
It’s only a one hour session. 60 minutes. Shorter than the average Zoom for work. He can do it! In fact, he doesn’t even have to leave the house! 😉
- Be the FUN dad!
Dads hold such an important role in families, and one that is so special is the fact that they bring the fun. That’s exactly what I want to show in your photos. So encourage your partner to bring that just-before-bed energy – let those kiddos climb on him, lift them up for a piggy-back ride, tell “dad jokes” to make them laugh. The result will be sheer joy.

Final Thoughts
The days are long, but the years are short and the important thing to remember is that you really don’t take family photos for you. They’re for your kids 10-20 years from now. So make them count. I promise you’ll love the results.
Ready to book a session with NPS Photography?