Digital Images vs. Prints


Natasha Sewell

January 15, 2017

Digital images verses prints, it’s a hot topic in the photography world. It’s not that photographers don’t want you to have the digital images to save and have somewhere safe. It’s that we want you to print your images and enjoy them! We know you want to share them on social media, so of course you need the digital files, but we want them to be on the walls of your home, too. We want you and your family to enjoy those images on a daily basis, not just get 75 likes on Facebook or 50 hearts on Instagram. You are investing in images of your family that freeze time and preserve memories. Priceless images that your grandchildren will cherish. Canvases, photoblocks, albums and prints are all tangible ways to preserve your images. So, when you loose that USB or your hard drive crashes, you still have those images to enjoy. And to be honest, that USB doesn’t look that great on you wall 😉

So, yes, I will sell you digital images, but whether you purchase heirloom products from me or print the images at a lab of your choice, please print them.

As I switch to in-person sales this year, please know that I want to help you get the most from your images! I want to guide you through the ordering process and make creating amazing art for your home easy and painless.

Thank you for choosing NPS Photography.

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Meet Natasha

Natasha Sewell, Owner of
 NPS photographY

I'm a DC family and newborn photographer, Natasha Sewell.

I'm all about capturing unscripted, full-of-personality moments from the comfort of your home.

As a mom of three and a former elementary school teacher turned in-home newborn and family photographer, I know how to get your littles to cooperate and have FUN!

Preserve your family's real-life moments with family and newborn photos in the place you’re most comfortable – your home.

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