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5 Reasons Washington DC Families LOVE In-home Sessions

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DC family reading on a bed

A Typical Family Session | DC Family Photographer

Let me guess, you have family pictures taken every fall – maybe in October or November and use the pictures on your holiday cards. Everyone’s looking at the camera smiling (and it took a lot of bribing to get those smiles!).There might have battle over the shoes you wanted them to wear (hint – I prefer bare feet in in-home sessions). Maybe there was a talk with your kids in the car on the way their about behavior and listening or a reminder to your shy child that it would be quick and there was nothing to be nervous about. Or maybe an ice cream bribe was part of the whole experience? Anyway, they smiled after some wrangling and even stood still – so you can be done!

Was it stressful?

Did anyone have fun?

Were there tears?

And lastly, did the pictures truly show your family’s personalities?

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DC family playing with a wooden toy

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little girls reading in a chair

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Mom playing with son

Now take a deep breath and imagine this!

5 Reasons Families LOVE In-Home Sessions

  1. You don’t have to leave your home. There’s no wrestling the kids into their car for your DC family photography session. And then you hope their clothes don’t get too wrinkled or their hair isn’t a mess when you get there. Or have you ever had a toddler fall asleep on the way to a session? The worst! And, I assure you there is minimal prep for your in-home session!

  2. Shy kids? No problem! In fact, a shy child is the most comfortable in their own home with their things and family. Recently, I had one mom alert me that her daughter was very shy, but warms up with some time. Meanwhile she was animated and smiled and even danced during the session! After the session, mom texted me that her daughter told her, “Pictures were really fun!”

  3. There’s no sitting still and smiling at the camera! Yes, we get the “grandma shot” – everyone looking and smiling, but I literally get one or two. But what I really capture are authentic moments. Like you reading to your children, having a dance party in the kitchen, a tickle attack on the couch, sweet snuggles or even a snack break – you get the idea! You and your kids get to move and have fun and be YOU!

  4. Speaking of snack breaks – you’re at home, so a hungry child is no big deal! There’s no telling them “you need to wait” or “after the session”. In fact, some clients choose a special snack for the session – I’ve had clients enjoy chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, popcorn – really anything goes! It’s fun to incorporate a special snack or drink (lemonade seems to be a favorite) into your session.

  5. One client put it perfectly! “I absolutely love that NOTHING in our photo shoot was “staged”. Natasha never asked the kids to sit and smile, in fact she encouraged us all to play and move like we would on any normal day. Little does she know that these aren’t just ‘normal’ days. These are THE days. The ones we never want to forget!” Truer words have not been spoken!

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family sitting in dining room

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mom holding baby boy

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family playing indoors

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mom dancing with children

Love is in the Unscripted Moments

And that’s what I capture. The beautifully, unscripted moments that unfold when your family is being you. No stress, no unreasonable expectations. I arrive at your home for your DC family photography session with just my camera and document this season of your life.

One client put it perfect, “I feel like you really captured the happiness and love we have for each other.”

That is to say, my goal is when you look through your images, your custom album or walk by the framed pictures on your wall that you smile and feel the way you did in that season of your life.

Let me capture those tug at your heart moments. Let’s chat!

Let’s Chat

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I'm DC family and newborn photographer, Natasha Sewell.

I'm all about capturing those unscripted, full-of-personality moments in the comfort of your home.

As a mom of three and a former elementary school teacher turned in-home newborn and family photographer, I know how to get your littles to cooperate and have FUN!

Preserve your family's real-life moments with family and newborn photos in the place you’re most comfortable – your home.

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