One of my favorite things to share with new and returning clients is this: there’s no rule that says you need to schedule your DC family photography session for the fall.

Summer is a perfect time to book a DC in-home photography session, too!

Here are a few reasons to consider scheduling an in-home session this summer:
- Summer is a slower, less scheduled time of the year for many of us.
Once school is out for the year and the temperatures start to rise, summer is a time where all of us like to slow down and soak up time together. Why not honor that time period with an in-home newborn or family photography session?
If your summer feels full of travel plans and sporting events, you’re going to want to read the next tip…
- Summer days are longer, meaning there’s no shortage of natural light, so your session can be scheduled at any time of day (not only in the early morning hours or close to sunset).
Even if you’re spending evenings at the baseball diamonds or you’re traveling to Nantucket for vacation, there’s still plenty of time (and natural light) in the summer days to capture photos of you and your family. The abundance of natural light throughout the day is definitely a bonus, as is the more relaxed feeling that summer brings out in all of us, photographers included!
- Knock out those holiday card photos early!
Ahh, the feeling of checking off a big to-do item early – that’s what you could experience by scheduling your annual family photography session in the summer! In addition to holiday cards, you could also check grandparent gifts off the list by ordering an heirloom-quality album to showcase your photos from the session.
Imagine how you’ll feel in November and December to have a leg up on the holiday hustle!
- Wear light, summery clothing, and enjoy a bug-free photography experience in the air conditioning!
I saved the best for last: who doesn’t love an excuse to wear a beautiful, summery dress (or linen shorts for the boys) for a photoshoot? Personally I adore bubbles on babies, too! I can even help you find the perfect outfits for your DC summer session.
Consider booking a summer photography session to show off your favorite warm-weather clothes from the comfort of your air-conditioned home. Think about it, no sweat marks under your arms or sweat dripping down your face!
Plus…no bugs at in-home summer sessions is always a bonus!

Ready to learn more about my summer availability? Reach out to schedule your summer in-home photography session below!