I’ve done resolutions.
Actually, I haven’t “done” them because usually by week two, I’m no longer sticking to them.
I’ve done and still do goals.
These usually have to do with my business and I’ve had great success with them!
In 2018, I started doing a word of the year.
It’s usually a word that can be used a lot of different ways and influence my life in many ways, too.
My 2024 Word of the Year is…A B U N D A N C E.
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
“That’s such a buzz word!”
“Everyone talks about abundance.”
But, hear me out.
To me abundance means infinite. Infinite time, understanding, patience, love.
It’s meant to remind me to S L O W D O W N.
Yes, I know a lot of people use abundance to discuss profits or resources, but that’s not how I intend to use it. I mean if an abundance of money comes my way, I certainly won’t turn it down, but it’s not my goal.
ABUNDANCE means a very large quantity of something (ie. time, patience, understanding).
My 2023 word was C O N N E C T and I tried to connect with people every chance I got.
The genius thing about a word is you can’t fail. It’s supposed to be a positive in every sense of the “word” (no pun intended).
So, are you team word or resolution?