Resolution or Word?
Over the years, I’ve done it all…resolutions, no resolutions and word of the year.
And I’ll be honest, resolutions and I don’t have a great track record. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve never even made it past January with a resolution. 🤷🏼♀️
But a word of the year? Well, we are a perfect fit!
A word of the year is a positive – there is really no way to fail. Resolutions are so easy to “fail” or not see through.
2020 – Graceful
2021 – Bold
2022 – Nurture
My 2023 Word of the Year
And drumroll please…
My 2023 word of the year is…C O N N E C T
And by connect, I plan to disconnect more from social media and my computer. And be more intentional with my time “online”.
I plan to connect more with family, friends, my clients, other entrepreneurs/small businesses, and my community. I want to connect in-person!
I always love seeing how my word of the year takes shape throughout the year. I try to be very intentional about it. I have it written in my gratitude journal and with my 2023 goals. So, I see it every single day.
I will make a conscious effort to C O N N E C T in every way possible throughout 2023. Yes, that may include online connections, but that’s not my focus.

Connect with Me in 2023!
And I’d love to connect with you! So, please join my EMAIL LIST, shoot me an EMAIL or reach out to set-up a call with me or if you’re in the DC area maybe a coffee date! Help me connect!
Happy 2023, friends!