Education is a big YES for me!
I may be 10+ years into my business, but I still seek out education to keep my skills and business fresh! I believe we should never stop learning. And I certainly practice what I preach!

3 Types of Photography Education
A great way to meet and connect with lots of people and possibly attend a trade show.
My first photography conference was WPPI. It was HUGE, but I was able to sign-up for some smaller, more intimate classes where I received more hands-on training. I was able to go to the trade show and see all the products I offer my clients up close plus learn about new ones. It was an eye opening experience.
Smaller conferences are such a great experience…The Baby Summit, Reset, Elevate and Photo Native are a few I’ve attended. Smaller classes, better access to speakers and so much more! I personally prefer the smaller conferences (under 200 people). I have met life long photog friends at these smaller conferences and gained so much knowledge.

Retreats + Masterminds
Retreats are typically 2-3 days and include education and shooting opportunities. I’ve attended two retreats that included mastermind education, too (Love Soaked with Brooke Schultz and Root to Rise with Sabrina Gebhardt – use code NATASHAS for a discount on the summer/fall run). Both of these retreats also included Masterminds that lasted anywhere from 4-6 months. It was a GREAT way to be held accountable and continue to grow! And I just attended Morgan Williams Connection Creation At Home.
All the retreats I have attended have included room and board which gives you the chance to really get to know your fellow attendees and educators. You spend meals together, shoot together and learn together.
There is nothing like a retreat. I have learned an immeasurable amount and have gained so much confidence. If you have a chance to attend a retreat DO IT! You will not regret it and it’s truly worth every penny!

Two to One or One to One Mentoring
Mentoring with photographers I admire has been a game changer for my business.
Learning studio lighting and newborn posing when I was starting as a posed newborn photographer. Learning all about lifestyle in-home photography when I was making the switch to shooting in-home. Learning different photographers methods and how they use light.
And these intimate learning situations gives you full access to a mentor – someone who has walked this path before. All the questions answered. All the insight. It’s a total game changer!

Something BIG from NPS
Now the exciting part…I will be opening up one on one mentoring at the end of April!
And starting in May I will be offering one on one mentoring to one photographer a month. Mentoring can be done via Zoom or in-person for DMV photographers.
I’m an open book! Business, systems, editing, moving your business, transitioning from one type of photography to another, personal projects…truly anything! And each mentoring package includes a portfolio review AND a website review.
Let me share my 10+ years of experience with you!
Everything you need to know about mentoring with NPS Photography!